Attack Of The Southern Fried Zombies Los Angeles Premiere
On March 23, 2018 at the Arena Cinelounge in Hollywood, the Los Angeles premiere for Attack of the Southern Fried Zombies took place. We heard about the film at Long Beach Comic Expo and were impressed with all the research and love that Producer/Creator Daniel Woods put into the film that we couldn't wait to see it on the big screen. Not only do we get a zombie film, but a prequel comic book, Kudzu Zombies (Attack's original title, which in retrospect I can see how the name couldn't fit the film since many would think it's one of those crazy Japanese zombie films, and the last thing an honorable producer wants to do is fool the audience) which tells how this particular zombie plague started. (Free digital copies of the comic available here!) Now it was time to see the film Hollywood style!
As we waited for the cast and crew to arrive for the red carpet, we talked to Alexa Varano from Third Wolf Designs, an artist, designer and horror movie fan!
We spoke to Producer Daniel Wood, giving us a little insight on the making of the film:
Here's a one on one with Timothy Haug, one of the leads of the film:
Clay Acker & Moses J Moseley:
Writer Christian Hokenson explains the name change:
Actresses Megan Few & Kaitlin Mesh:
And finally, Director Mark Newton:
Finally, we sat down inside the theatre, first row, ready to get ourselves immersed in the world of Kudzu and its zombies, and armed with the most important detail you have to have in mind when watching the film; this is not The Walking Dead or any George Romero film. As previously warned by the director, the cast AND THE TITLE, the audience should be aware that this is horror comedy. ALL THE WAY. That's the foremost warning one must have because us fans of horror films have expectations. They're either blown up by the well edited but deceitful trailer of a film or by reviews from Fangoria or other "trusted" horror rags that ALWAYS seem to find the best in the most horrible films. BUT I digress. I was going to see the film with only the expectations of a film made with heart, with lots of production value only a well connected producer can muster, and a cast of up and coming actors who seem to have the right attitude and personality. Will our expectations be met?
Attack of the Southern Fried Zombies:
Zombies, who doesn't like zombie movies? Scratch that. A lot of people don't (nobody's perfect!), but for those of us that LOVE them, how does Attack rank?
As the film begins and we are introduced to the cast scattered throughout Charleston, who is going to survive? the town kid who never managed to get out? His ex visiting from college or her boyfriend? The lesbian couple? The three youngsters that accidentally unleash the plague? The scientists who may be the only ones holding the cure for the zombie virus? Yes, we dwell a bit on common character troupes that we have seen over and over again but at least the film manages not to stray into campiness, which is one of my biggest complains with horror comedy. There is a fine line that you can't cross (in my book) 'cos it will ruin the suspense, if you don't fear for the characters, what is the point? One zombie show that manages to do this perfectly is Zombie Nation. But I digress. My favorite part of the film, besides the gory deaths the zombies give/get, is how there is no definite sense of a true lead. Whilst we have Timothy Haug as the obvious main guy, all of the characters get their chance to shine. Moses J Moseley has a lot of funny lines and moments and so do the lesbian couple, Kaitlin Mesh and Megan Few. There are some unexpected deaths that managed to surprise me, but let's not spoil the fun.
The gore is also one of the top reasons to watch Attack, it is a gory movie, earning their FANtastic Horror Film Fest "Goriest Film" award. The production value was also another thing that surprised me, but I guess that if you want to shoot an independent film and make it look good on a small budget you HAVE TO do it outside of LA, unfortunately. But Attack couldn't have been made elsewhere as is its location, Charleston Mississippi, what gives the movie character, (as well as the perfect setting given the real problem that is kudzu in the south) with the aerial shots of the overpowering kudzu giving the dash of realism all horror movies need.
While some of the story points fall within the "why doesn't he/she just" and the "just shoot the damn thing and ask question later" problems we encounter in the genre, there is enough here with the comedy and the gore to keep anyone entertained. The (maybe? un)intentionally bad dialogue at points adds to the charm and comedy the film offers, with Clay Acker delivering one of the most finest/funniest moments of the film. Yes, the film is not perfect or a classic, but is it fun and entertaining? is it worth a rental or a purchase? Hell Yeah! This is one of those movies you watch with friends at a party and have fun with it.
Don't forget Attack of the Southern Fried Zombies is out NOW, March 23, on VOD and in theatres!
Alexa Varano - Third Wolf Designs @thirdwolfdesigns
Megan Few @megan_few
Kaitlin Mesh @kaitmesh
Moses J Moseley @mosesmoseley
Clay Acker @thenutclacker
Timothy Haug @iamtimothyhaug
Bruce Penton @songwriter32
Director Mark Newton @lamoviedirector
Writer Christian Hokenson @christianhokenson
Michael Emery @iammichaelemery
Producers Juri Koll, Daniel Wood & Per Ericson with Megan Few & Kaitlin Mesh
Michael, Timothy, Clay & Moses
Clay & Moses Ready for action!
Attack of the Southern Friend Zombies Cast & Crew
Attack of the Southern Friend Zombies Cast & Crew post red carpet madness
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